Steps to Personal Success

When you look and think about successful people and practices - most of the building blocks for this success stems from 4 simple steps.

I'd like to thank 'John Gray' for these useful tips; John Gray - the author of men are from mars, women are from venus gives a great foundation for heading towards success:

Step 1: Set your intention: Work out where you are now and clearly visualize where you need to go to achieve inner and outer success. This is an important start; if you cannot even imagine or think about what you want to do to be successful it simply cannot begin to occur.

Step 2: Get what you need: Know and understand yourself; Know what you are currently missing and how you can get it - progressing this way will allow you to automatically experience inner success.

Step 3: Get what you want: Try to understand the secrets of creating outer success, realise the importance of strong desires and positive beliefs. Followed by passionate feelings, things will snowball and your wants will become reality! Believe and achieve!

Step 4: Remove Blocks to personal success: Blame, depression, anxiety, judgment, indecision, perfectionism are just some of the things preventing people from winning. Block out doubters, hardest of all - even if family members doubt you; stick solid and achieve your aims and goals.

These are a good basic overview of the 4 key steps; I urge you to read the complete book: "How to get what you want, and want what you have!" by John Gray.