Movie Clips that Motivate

Kudos to Shoemoney dot com for giving me the idea for this post on motivation. He did mention the two movies on his popular blog.

When you need a good shot in the arm of motivation, the best way to get immediate self help is to put on one of these movie clips. Turn the volume up loud and kick back as you get instant motivation from these classic clips.

The first one is from the movie Boiler Room, featuring Ben Affleck in the powerful boardroom scene. If this doesnt motivate you, nothing with will - watch the embedded video below:

The second movie for self help is from the movie, Any Given Sunday with Al Pachino. Another classic, this pep talk scene to his players will get any stray butt moving in the right direction!

John Chow vs Google

In the continuing efforts to discover the true rank of the keyword John Chow, we chat about why and how John Chow lost his ranking in Google recently after a war with the search giant. John Chow is a hugely famous blog person who chats daily about his life and promotes for money.

John Chow has become a huge success and donates a good portion of his earnings to charity. He enjoys a large following and loves taking snapshots of his 'food' out and about that he eats.

It's estimated 'John Chow' is around 49 years old and has 13 kids to his name. He drove in the NASCAR at one stage and was one of NASA's test pilots but failed to make the grade and fly into space because he suffers memory loss.

John Chow lives in Canada and is wanted in 3 countries around the world for crimes he didn't commit.

The DOTA Allstars Blog

One of my other blogroll sites is DOTA Allstars, started in early 2007 - I registered the domain and dedicated it the famous game, that I love DOTA Allstars. Based on Blizzards Warcraft 3, DOTA Allstars is a great game enjoyed around the world.

Its 5 a side strategy and games run thru battlenet for around 1 hour a piece. If you havent tried DOTA Allstars you need to, its a mod so its a free addon for Blizzards Warcraft

Nelson New Zealand

Currently living and working in Nelson New Zealand. A small tourist town on the tip of New Zealands north island - Nelson is a haven for european tourists and it's long sunny days are on record as the longest in New Zealand all year round.

"Nelson New Zealand" is surrounded by mountain peaks that regularly get heavy snow falls in winter and Nelson has a population of around 50,000 people as of 2007.

A must visit for anyone interested in hiking, sightseeing, beach going and relaxed life - Nelson New Zealand is a perfect destination.

Here are some recent videos taken from the traffic in Nelson, New Zealand. (Driving around Tahuna Beach (Tahunanui Beach) Nelson, New Zealand. Sights and Places nearby are the 'Boat Shed' - The Boat Shed is Nelsons premier Seafood restaurant and also nearby is Tahuna Shops, The Sands and 623 a new bar in the Sands complex, Tahunanui. The fish and chip shop called the Sands is pretty nice at Tahuna too.

Self Help: Quit Smoking

By Adam Sutcliffe

Today I wanted to change the slant of our focus a little, while we usually look at self help and motivation success in a business mindset - today I wanted to spend some time looking at self help to quit smoking. Finally, a new program has been approved in the USA and it actually works.

Smoking is obviously a massive problem in most parts of the world, and while governments and various groups have tried hard to get some traction with 'Quit Smoking' courses and focus groups the overall result has been poor. Many smokers are reluctant to attempt or attend courses directly and while recent drug advances have helped we still have a long way to go to help more people be able to fully quit smoking.

More recently a group by the name of Zero Smoke has developed a self help product that is actually seeing a massive amountas of success and has been enabling a good percentage of smokers to fully quit their dirty habit.

There is no need for patches, gums or pills and the Zero Smoke program has helped over 2 million people in Europe fully escape their smoking habit. Now approved by the FDA, people in the USA can take full advantage of the program - the BEST part of the Zero Smoke approach is most people can fully lick the habit in 30 days.

I personally hope the program can be extended to other parts of the world, however for US based readers - follow this link for more information; Zero Smoke it will not only help you stop smoking and get healthy, but you will save yourself massive amounts of money moving forward.

Free Self Help Info

Our site which is dedicated to 'free self help' is returning! After a brief delay, we are once again sharing stories of motivation, success and overall self help. Previous based in Australia, SelfHelpWorld.Info will now be catering to the US and Asia Pacific Region of the World.

What that means is more from Anthony Robbins, but other great motivators and Successful people such as
Robert Kiyosaki and new players on the block (on the blogging block) such as John Chow. You may not have heard of Chow, but he has become quite successful through monetizing his popular blog website.

We look forward to your comments and visits - thanks for rejoining us at Self Help World.

The Editors

Understand Body Language

Understanding Body Language can be a huge advantage to you; in many facets of your day to day life.

Not only helpful in a business environment, but in personal dealings and situations such as a buy or sell transaction - knowing and understanding body language is invaluable.

The main points of body language to watch for for are:

1. Aggression
2. Frustration
3. Interest
4. Courtship
5. Suspicion
6. Confidence
7. Openness
8. Dominance
9. Truthfulness
10. Evaluation
11. Readiness
12. Concealment

A good book I have recently read is 'Body Language' by Dr Joseph Braysich. In this book you will learn how to take control in group situations and understand the detailed tips through over 115 illustrations that easily show what people are thinking and feeling.

A must read and something that needs to be understood, I rate this skill and book in the same category of 'How to win friends and influence people'

Check it out today!

Donald Trump - Trump 101

One of the most successful of them all, "Donald Trump" - The Donald has proved more times than most that he has been able to fight back from the depths of defeat; a never say die quality and the mind set to 'think big'.

I have been looking through Donald Trumps latest book; 'Trump 101' The Way to Success and I have found it a very good read.

One of the most glaring and interesting statements in the book is "Don't waste your life on work you don't love; Passion will help you do better!"

Now that is a great line, and it is so obviously true. Many of us have certain dreams, some involve work we absolutely love - but unfortunately sometimes we need to 'slave' from 9-5 just to earn the bacon.

Donald Trump talks of people he knew that had fantastic ideas, but could never get them off the ground because the approached everything 'weakly'. "Many thought their ideas would just take off by themselves" Trump said.

You have to put the ideas into action, motivate yourself and drive through all roadblocks. Otherwise the great idea will simply sit there on top of your desk and go no where.

And finally says Donald Trump "Lack of passion is often the difference between failure and success"

Absolute Happiness

There are various methods and ideas that will allow you to 'unleash your internal happiness' and get well on the way to achieving your goals:

To access more of your internal powers, talents and higher intelligence - you need to first understand that happiness comes mostly from two things

- personal health / fitness
- mindset

If you can get these two personal things on track first, you are well on the way to achieving absolute happiness through success in both relationships and business

Achieving peak performance in fitness and mindset, awakens the creative abilities that can be applied to virtually any area you wish. This will quickly bring productivity and meaning to your day to day life.

You will suddenly realize inner abilities you never knew you had. At peak health and mind, your motivation, positive thinking and outlook makes you into a lean, happy machine. You will cruise along each day with the power to overcome any hurdles much quicker and with less stress.

Overall, achieving success in health and mind - and improving your outlook and routine will actually give you a sense of purpose and a meaning to life!

Time Wasting

With so many interruptions in our lives today such as: Mobile or Cell phones, instant messaging, social networking, satellite phones and PDA's - we are always contactable and at times these devices can really waste our time if not used correctly.

For most people in daily 9-5 work - what interruptions are killing our time during the day?

Unnecessary Meetings: In the USA alone, estimates say that there can be up to 11 million meetings a day. Many of these meetings are too long and some not even needed. So if you're the host of the meeting, ensure only the needed people are invited - keep it brief and stick to an agenda firmly. When accepting meetings, check the agenda from the host - be sure you are needed 100% and excuse yourself if things go astray. The time you could save is extremely valuable.

Too much work: Taking on too much work, or working too hard can simply ruin your total and overall production. Being overloaded can totally reduce your output and waste more time.
Say to no to additional work if you cannot handle it, and try to delegate where possible.

Red Tape: A massive frustration for many workers in many countries. In an effort to bed down process - many companies have implemented so much process that red tape can prevent anything being done effectively time wise. How to beat it? Know the process well, understand that it does exist and for a reason - try to 'plan' for the red tape and you will minimize its impact.

Poor Attitude: Finally, the evidence of a poor attitude can simply kill your motivation and hamper efforts to save time. Keep upbeat and try to stay motivated. Eat and exercise well, ensure working conditions and equipment are ideal and try to smile! It does help!

Gerry Harvey - Secrets of Success

Gerry Harvey an Australian Millionaire might not be known the whole world over. While his business 'Harvey Norman Holdings' a massive retail chain now reaches into many countries, the story of this self made man is extremely inspiring.

A fan of motivators and self help programs, Gerry Harvey started out selling vacuum cleaners door to door in Australia. He now runs a global retail giant that stretches from Sydney to Slovenia.

Reaching success in the 1980's Gerry Harvey initially hit problems and sold off his original retail giant to fellow Australian icon Alan Bond.

Not one to be deterred, Gerry Harvey simply started all over again and built one of the most successful Australian socks ever.

Gerry Harvey's story, while one of self determination, positive thinking and hard work - his journey succeeded on good strategy, breathtaking gambles and a constant will to win.

It's a great story, and one that many of us can take plenty from. No matter what your situation is at present - think big, put in the effort and use whatever motivators you can.

The book about Gerry Harvey - 'Gerry Harvey - Business Secrets of Harvey Norman's Retailing Mastermind' is a great read and retails for around $20AU

Powerful Self Help Principles

Some really low level yet powerful self help principles are discussed in todays post. Coming from the book 'No Excuse!' by Jay Rifenbary - these are some easy to understand and utilize steps to give you a great personal advantage in life.

- Employing forgiveness as the first step to letting go and moving-on. 'Don't get worked up with people or over little obstacles, as this will hamper your thoughts' Forgive, move-on and let go.

- Living a self esteem lifestyle - gives you greater happiness. Be thankful for whatever you currently have, no matter how small it may seem.

- Elevate your attitude - think like a winner and surround yourself with winners every day.

- Self control - be disciplined in everything you. This is the basis of motivation

- Honesty - be honest with yourself, don't subconsciously tell little lies to yourself.

- Importance of Dreaming - its so important to think big and have a goal, no matter how unobtainable it may seem.

- Learning - upgrade your skills to get what you want

- Understanding peoples personalities - everyone is different and you need to know how people work and understand them to get what you want.

- Family and Friends - put them above all, it gives you personal happiness and joy

- Determination - everyday push yourself that little bit further.

Power of Pesistence

We talked previously about motivation, idea generation and overall the power of positive thinking. Another vital ingredient to any successful person is: persistence. The power of persistence cannot be questioned.

Regardless of the venture, industry or person involved the power of repetition and persistence is unquestioned. No matter if early attempts in your mission are failing, the ability to continually bounce back and keep chipping away at your goals is oh so important.

You do have to fixate on that goal initially, but your continued movement and persistence at achieving your targets is such a vital step. You will find at times, you may look for excuses to avoid repetition. This is common, however the successful folk are able to focus intently on their goal at hand and continue the persistence tactics to get them over the line.

I'd love to hear some readers examples of successful persistence stories, feel free to post comments below this post.

You dont have to be born brilliant

Today I've taken the theme from the book of John McGrath. Australian resident McGrath has successfully created and built an elite Real Estate agency group responsible for the Top 5% of housing listings with Australia.

John McGrath claims that he certainly wasn't born brilliant, rather through self understanding and 'unlearning' his bad habits he was able to chip away at his creation and build a giant.

Its a really good theory from which to base your own ambitions. Many of us feel the successful people are born with a gift. This cannot be further from the truth. A big idea, some powerful thinking - followed by good personal effort and attention can get a good idea to explode and bring success.

So keep it in mind 'You don't have to be born brilliant' - anyone can succeed through the right thinking / mindset and will to win.

Self Help Videos

Plenty of people have listened to self help audio programs, from way back in the days of cassette tape through to later CDs and on-line audio programs.

Today, not only is there access to
Self Help Video but there are plenty of 'free self help videos; you can track down using services like YouTube, MetaCafe and similar free video services.

We have listed just a few self help videos you can play below; but for many more - visit and search away to videos on self help that are relevant to you:

1. Self Help through Self Hypnosis Video (Dating)

2. Good general self help clip (Basic, but has good sound and good statements)

3. Overcome Negative Self Talk video

How to work a room

In business or social situations have you ever wondered 'how to work a room'?

Good conversation - from the head, heart and soul; allows you to get your point across without alienating or losing the rooms attention.

I read a great book on talking your way to business and social success. Titled 'What do i say next' - by Susan Roane - its a must read book for salesman, socialites or anyone that wants to know their way around busy conversational rooms.

In this day and age; you need to 'engage others in conversation' the art of mingling can bring success in business and personal fields. Almost everyone knows the value of networking and the art of conversation and knowing 'how to work a room' is the first step to self success in this area.

If you're not someone who can generate scintillating and successful conversation I urge you to have a look at Susan RoAne's book 'What do I say next'?

Steps to Personal Success

When you look and think about successful people and practices - most of the building blocks for this success stems from 4 simple steps.

I'd like to thank 'John Gray' for these useful tips; John Gray - the author of men are from mars, women are from venus gives a great foundation for heading towards success:

Step 1: Set your intention: Work out where you are now and clearly visualize where you need to go to achieve inner and outer success. This is an important start; if you cannot even imagine or think about what you want to do to be successful it simply cannot begin to occur.

Step 2: Get what you need: Know and understand yourself; Know what you are currently missing and how you can get it - progressing this way will allow you to automatically experience inner success.

Step 3: Get what you want: Try to understand the secrets of creating outer success, realise the importance of strong desires and positive beliefs. Followed by passionate feelings, things will snowball and your wants will become reality! Believe and achieve!

Step 4: Remove Blocks to personal success: Blame, depression, anxiety, judgment, indecision, perfectionism are just some of the things preventing people from winning. Block out doubters, hardest of all - even if family members doubt you; stick solid and achieve your aims and goals.

These are a good basic overview of the 4 key steps; I urge you to read the complete book: "How to get what you want, and want what you have!" by John Gray.

The Secret Power of Attraction

For those people who have read the book or seen the DVD entitled 'The Secret' - they will instantly know about this term: "The Power of Attraction"

A so called secret held by some of the most important people in the worlds history books - the power of attraction is reportedly able to help most people achieve what they have been aiming for.

"The Power of Attraction" explained; simply means - what ever thought your mind has (conscious or unconscious) eventually and somehow the body works towards this goal.

For example; if you are thinking daily - I want that new television, and consistently think, study and discuss this - your actually working towards the goal. The body computes this thought and does everything to work towards the wish. The same can be applied to thing you 'Dont Want' - for example, if your constantly saying to yourself; "I never have any money" your mindset will be working against yourself consistently; spending everything you have.

It's an interesting thought certainly; however the book and DVD entitled 'The Secret' backs up this powerful claim with several scientific experts and real world examples. The anatomy of our brains is obviously complex; this theory on 'The Power of Attraction' - certainly is an interesting one to ponder and if true, is extremely powerful for everyone.

Motivation Through Discipline

It seems for anyone that wants motivation; their are plenty of audio, book, visual and live events available where 'motivation kings' will try and pass on their skills and energy to willing participants.

This is ok if you have large amounts of money to spend, plenty of time to take it all in and the commitment to take everything on board for the long term.

For most of us wanting motivation; this isn't always possible.

When I thought about motivation techniques for myself, I thought it was best to look at people I know who are extremely motivated and note some of their traits.

One particular trait kept appearing for all the major motivated people I know. Discipline!

Yes, discipline! Motivation can be achieved through discipline.

Motivation through discipline simply means sticking at a routine you have developed to improve motivation.

For example, if you are someone simply struggling to launch yourself out of bed in the morning. You need the extra push or more motivation to get up and get going. I won't sit here and give you thousands of reasons to get up in the morning - However, if you can set your alarm, or maybe set 2 or 3 alarms to really drive you nuts and somehow force yourself out of bed - then simply employ 'discipline' for the next 30 days - and this will become a form of habit.

Once you achieve motivation for one day, follow it up with discipline (no matter how tough) then if you can stick at that routine for at least 30 days - you will have formed a habit and find it almost automatic to achieve that task.

This motivation through discipline technique can be applied to anything! The workplace, where motivation is sometimes hard. The sporting field a common requirement is motivation here. Virtually anything!

If you have success with the 'Motivation through discipline technique' please write your comments below.

Outsourcing Child Care? Kids in the Mail!?

Personal Outsourcing - I saw this video recently and found it hilarious. The cheap labor in India and Asia and how the United States can harness the cheap child care facilities available! (As long as your little on doesn't get lost in the postal system!) Its extreme outsourcing and it's coming to a daddy daycare centre near you!

Report: Many U.S. Parents Outsourcing Child Care Overseas

Powered by ScribeFire.

Firefox and Powerful Plugins

Internet Web Browser has some amazing plugins which give it a huge advantage over IE and other browsers.

Start at: and chew through literally thousands of FREE plugins.

Some worthy of mention, if you are a blogger and want to post quickly and easily from ANY webpage or any where within your FireFox browser get your hands on the FireScribe plugin. An amazing tool that lets you post quickly and easily with a built in account manager! Top Stuff, Too Easy!

Other tools include SEO based and ranking material from the Browser footer along with Google Notes a cool addin from the team at google, letting you jot 'digital' notes from anywhere on your internet journey! So web 2.0 is well and truly in full swing!

Powered by ScribeFire.

30 Day Challenge Ed Dale

Hi All,

A quick post from me using 'ScribeFire' - i'm currently taking the 30 day challenge, run by Ed Dale Dan Raine over at

Its a great opportunity to learn plenty about internet marketing and actually put some techniques in place to make $10 yourself by 30 days end.

Thousands are taking part and its been successful for the last two years.

So head over and visit, as Ed Dale and Dan Raine have done a great job here.

Powered by ScribeFire.

10 points of success to help self

Helping yourself can be honed into the following 10 main points. If you can use a snippet of each of these points you are well on the way to improving your life; both personally and in business.

Here goes:

* Believe in Yourself (Really! You must say this over to yourself constantly)
* Understand how decisions affect your life
* Self Esteem Determines Success
* Look to the Future, forget the past
* Let go of past failures
* Never settle for second best
* Always improve your health
* Use compliments to grow self esteem
* Setbacks are a part of life, get over them quickly
* Dont let risk hold you back from achieving!

These are some good start points - have a think about these and understand how they affect your life and well-being.

The final thought for today I want to mention is - "Don't a person your problem unless they are DIRECTLY related to the solution!"

For example if things are tough in your business life, apart from your immediate partner or a mentor - why tell others of your problems? (You might get lucky and chat with someone that can help) However, most people you discuss the problems with 'WON'T' be able to cheer you up - thus making you feel worse.

New Blogger Templates (Adsense Ready)

I know this post is a little off topic, but I must say thanks to Elque and the team over at dzelque for their blogger templates.

There are so many average websites around claiming to have decent Blogger 2.0 templates - however most only have the original Blogger Beta templates - in which you lose a lot of functionality as a Blogger user.

The Dzelque team have done a fantastic job to create a new batch of Blogger templates, that not only suit the 'new' blogger format - but the templates come in 3 column designs which are suited to Adsense.

I hope Google adapts some of these templates into their blogger bag of standard templates. It was painless to setup (probably 5 minutes max) and from there I was able to grab a new header for the blog and position the adsense columns to my liking and of course set my blog apart from the millions of standard 'blogger' looking ones.

Be sure and visit for great Blogger 2.0 templates that are free and support adsense within the template!

Musical Motivation Technique!

As I sat in my PC bunker today - I didn't have the nice scenery to motivate me that I have recently had. (Previously working from a nice room overlooking acres of pasture, livestock - it had a nice feel and I was able to easily add to my blog network)

With limited motivation - I turned to music. Yes, sounds simple - but it does work. Immediately after I switched the tunes on, I was more relaxed, motivated and full of energy.

The type of music? I suppose that depends on the person. If you want to write lots of words and quickly, then certainly look to up tempo music - dance, top 40 or rock. However if you are looking at longer motivation and deep thought - then slower, relaxing music can assist you with your needs.

I would love to hear your feedback on this - sure it's sure but I believe most certainly effective.

Search Engine Authority Tips

Today I want to briefly discuss the basics of achieving a good result from search engine result pages (often referred to as SERPS).

Once you have the 'motivation' to get cracking and have decided on a niche topic for a blog or a website - you need to ensure all your content (articles) you are discussing and generating are initially being picked up by search engines (ie: google, altavista, yahoo, ask, msn).

Once you have been 'recognised' by the search engines - they will send a bot to visit at various intervals to see what new content you have. Now this is where you need to optimize your content and articles (Referred to as SEO - search engine optimization) in order to get higher listings when users search for terms relating to your website.

This video below gives a very basic overview of whats needed to succeed in getting higher listings:

Motivation through Scenery

I have written this blog over the past few days, using motivation from some great scenery I have been lucky enough to enjoy.

Scenery can be an great motivator. Seaside, lakeside, fireside and maybe even countryside can give you some spectacular views and the fuel you need to get motivated.

Not only is it motivating, you might actually feel some new ideas and things pop into your mind. Even if you don't have a laptop to work in remote scenic areas - just take a pad and a pen, find your ideal scenic spot and relax for a few hours.

The motivation and ideas will come, just jot as much down as possible.

For me, I've had my PC setup at a friends house in a great room with a view - his house high on a hill, overlooking some great parklands and green hilltops.

Its been ideal for me to setup here, blog away and relax - ideas and motivation pouring in from the scenery.

Give it a try - if you have some success or just want to give feedback on your 'motivation through scenery' please drop a comment to us all below.

Getting Listed on Google

Once you've established your Blog, you will want the public to start visiting - otherwise all your articles and hardwork will have been for nothing.

Actually, step backwards for one minute. You actually should have statistics monitoring your hits before you chase the traffic. That way you can track and plan things moving forward with your blog.

A great free tool for monitoring statistics on your blog, is provided by Google. Yes, the giant provides plenty of good tools free - this one can be found at - adwords is the advertising engine for companies wanting to advertise via the adsense network. However, you can use the 'free analytics' portion of adwords just to track your site.

So pop over there, setup a free account then add the HTML code to your blog.

Now, to get listed on Google - you will need plenty of links or backlinks as they are called. Preferably by a website that is already being listed in Google and getting spidered / visited daily by the Google network.

If they list your site as a 'link' generally you will be picked up the next day or so by Google and their servers will monitor your progress. If you post frequently to your blog - it certainly helps. As the visits by the Google servers detect how often you post and as such visit accordingly.

For example:

I created a new Blog - NRL News

It's sport related, so I asked a friend at Sports Virtual Library to link to my site.

Within 2 days, Google had visited my site (I watched my stats and saw had visited) and I then searched for '' and I instantly saw my site listed.

Following this, my site was getting visited fortnightly initially I believe, and as I posted more - Google began to visit more frequently.

So essentially, it's not hard to get listed on Google. In summary:

- Get stats for your blog (Visit (Install Code)
- Get someone already listed in Google to link to you
- Post regularly to keep visits from google frequent

Blogging for Success

As the blogging phenomenon continues - many new bloggers are taking their little niche to the next level and trying to achieve some revenue from their Blogs through mediums such as Googles Adsense, Chitika and other marketing add-ons.

Once you've got your topic covered, obviously choose something you enjoy - it probably makes sense to get a fair bit of content into the Blog before adding too much revenue generating advertisements. If you 'over advertise' the Blog, it will probably scare off the visitors too much.

To get started with Google Adsense (a simple, trustworth and effective advertising medium) visit: for free signup and information.

The other main point, is to update the Blog regularly. Even with some of the major players, some of the Blog sites I visit - don't update often enough for my liking. I want latest information and happenings, and when the Blog is 3+ days old - I will generally look elsewhere that day. So keep this in mind!

With this site, I will endeavour to keep the posts fairly concise and try not to get too detailed! Coming up - reviewing some big end blogs and some more motivation and earnings techniques.

Belief breeds success, observe success

Sounds too simple right? You've heard this before? Yes, i'm sure you have.

Really think about that statement - so many people *want* to believe they can be successful; but deep down they still harbor negative thoughts.

Starting off with positive thinking in its most basic form is the powerful tool you must harness before setting off on your start-up business, journey or any task for that matter.

Once you have begun to to believe and 'think big' - spend some time analyzing the successful people in your area of expertise.

I've had plenty of enjoyment in establishing a single blog, then more recently multiple blogs or a blog roll as they are called. After moving from a single blog to multiple blog setups; I spent plenty of time visiting (and still do) some of the more successful blogs on the internet to see how they operate and how they have achieved their success.

Just ask! Sometimes just chatting with a successful person will yield a positive answer. Most are only too happy to help and give advice.

Ok, in summary:

- THINK BIG (Big Idea, No Matter How Unrealistic it May Seem) (Try and Write it Down Too)
- BELIEVE (Believe you can do it - you must really believe it and keep telling yourself that)
- OBSERVE SUCCESS (In your area of expertise, observe the successful people around you)

I'd love to hear you feedback, please feel free to comment on this or any post or email us.

Blogging, Self Help and Success

It took me a long time to choose a new Blog topic; I finally decided to run with the theme of self-help, blogging and success.

I run several Blogs; covering several different topics. Sport, Cell Phones and even Gaming Blogs - but I wanted a new Blog that was a true reflection of my journey, covering self-help topics, blogging info and ideas - plus success in the end.

What type of success? traffic? recognition? or financial returns from the blog?

Well I suppose they all tie in together. You need traffic to make your Blog worthy, you need recognition of articles (PR / Marketing / SEO) to get traffic and eventually if everything is working you should see some financial returns from the Blog.

Blogging gets more popular, not just daily, but by the minute. So with this Blog I hope to bring ideas, information and inspiration to the 'interweb'