Self Help: Quit Smoking

By Adam Sutcliffe

Today I wanted to change the slant of our focus a little, while we usually look at self help and motivation success in a business mindset - today I wanted to spend some time looking at self help to quit smoking. Finally, a new program has been approved in the USA and it actually works.

Smoking is obviously a massive problem in most parts of the world, and while governments and various groups have tried hard to get some traction with 'Quit Smoking' courses and focus groups the overall result has been poor. Many smokers are reluctant to attempt or attend courses directly and while recent drug advances have helped we still have a long way to go to help more people be able to fully quit smoking.

More recently a group by the name of Zero Smoke has developed a self help product that is actually seeing a massive amountas of success and has been enabling a good percentage of smokers to fully quit their dirty habit.

There is no need for patches, gums or pills and the Zero Smoke program has helped over 2 million people in Europe fully escape their smoking habit. Now approved by the FDA, people in the USA can take full advantage of the program - the BEST part of the Zero Smoke approach is most people can fully lick the habit in 30 days.

I personally hope the program can be extended to other parts of the world, however for US based readers - follow this link for more information; Zero Smoke it will not only help you stop smoking and get healthy, but you will save yourself massive amounts of money moving forward.