Nelson New Zealand

Currently living and working in Nelson New Zealand. A small tourist town on the tip of New Zealands north island - Nelson is a haven for european tourists and it's long sunny days are on record as the longest in New Zealand all year round.

"Nelson New Zealand" is surrounded by mountain peaks that regularly get heavy snow falls in winter and Nelson has a population of around 50,000 people as of 2007.

A must visit for anyone interested in hiking, sightseeing, beach going and relaxed life - Nelson New Zealand is a perfect destination.

Here are some recent videos taken from the traffic in Nelson, New Zealand. (Driving around Tahuna Beach (Tahunanui Beach) Nelson, New Zealand. Sights and Places nearby are the 'Boat Shed' - The Boat Shed is Nelsons premier Seafood restaurant and also nearby is Tahuna Shops, The Sands and 623 a new bar in the Sands complex, Tahunanui. The fish and chip shop called the Sands is pretty nice at Tahuna too.

1 Comment:

hulag said...

Nice Place. New Zealand is definitely one of my target future diversions.