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Helping yourself can be honed into the following 10 main points. If you can use a snippet of each of these points you are well on the way to improving your life; both personally and in business.
Here goes:
* Believe in Yourself (Really! You must say this over to yourself constantly)
* Understand how decisions affect your life
* Self Esteem Determines Success
* Look to the Future, forget the past
* Let go of past failures
* Never settle for second best
* Always improve your health
* Use compliments to grow self esteem
* Setbacks are a part of life, get over them quickly
* Dont let risk hold you back from achieving!
These are some good start points - have a think about these and understand how they affect your life and well-being.
The final thought for today I want to mention is - "Don't a person your problem unless they are DIRECTLY related to the solution!"
For example if things are tough in your business life, apart from your immediate partner or a mentor - why tell others of your problems? (You might get lucky and chat with someone that can help) However, most people you discuss the problems with 'WON'T' be able to cheer you up - thus making you feel worse.
I know this post is a little off topic, but I must say thanks to Elque and the team over at dzelque for their blogger templates.
There are so many average websites around claiming to have decent Blogger 2.0 templates - however most only have the original Blogger Beta templates - in which you lose a lot of functionality as a Blogger user.
The Dzelque team have done a fantastic job to create a new batch of Blogger templates, that not only suit the 'new' blogger format - but the templates come in 3 column designs which are suited to Adsense.
I hope Google adapts some of these templates into their blogger bag of standard templates. It was painless to setup (probably 5 minutes max) and from there I was able to grab a new header for the blog and position the adsense columns to my liking and of course set my blog apart from the millions of standard 'blogger' looking ones.
Be sure and visit for great Blogger 2.0 templates that are free and support adsense within the template!
As I sat in my PC bunker today - I didn't have the nice scenery to motivate me that I have recently had. (Previously working from a nice room overlooking acres of pasture, livestock - it had a nice feel and I was able to easily add to my blog network)
With limited motivation - I turned to music. Yes, sounds simple - but it does work. Immediately after I switched the tunes on, I was more relaxed, motivated and full of energy.
The type of music? I suppose that depends on the person. If you want to write lots of words and quickly, then certainly look to up tempo music - dance, top 40 or rock. However if you are looking at longer motivation and deep thought - then slower, relaxing music can assist you with your needs.
I would love to hear your feedback on this - sure it's sure but I believe most certainly effective.
Today I want to briefly discuss the basics of achieving a good result from search engine result pages (often referred to as SERPS).
Once you have the 'motivation' to get cracking and have decided on a niche topic for a blog or a website - you need to ensure all your content (articles) you are discussing and generating are initially being picked up by search engines (ie: google, altavista, yahoo, ask, msn).
Once you have been 'recognised' by the search engines - they will send a bot to visit at various intervals to see what new content you have. Now this is where you need to optimize your content and articles (Referred to as SEO - search engine optimization) in order to get higher listings when users search for terms relating to your website.
This video below gives a very basic overview of whats needed to succeed in getting higher listings:
I have written this blog over the past few days, using motivation from some great scenery I have been lucky enough to enjoy.
Scenery can be an great motivator. Seaside, lakeside, fireside and maybe even countryside can give you some spectacular views and the fuel you need to get motivated.
Not only is it motivating, you might actually feel some new ideas and things pop into your mind. Even if you don't have a laptop to work in remote scenic areas - just take a pad and a pen, find your ideal scenic spot and relax for a few hours.
The motivation and ideas will come, just jot as much down as possible.
For me, I've had my PC setup at a friends house in a great room with a view - his house high on a hill, overlooking some great parklands and green hilltops.
Its been ideal for me to setup here, blog away and relax - ideas and motivation pouring in from the scenery.
Give it a try - if you have some success or just want to give feedback on your 'motivation through scenery' please drop a comment to us all below.
Once you've established your Blog, you will want the public to start visiting - otherwise all your articles and hardwork will have been for nothing.
Actually, step backwards for one minute. You actually should have statistics monitoring your hits before you chase the traffic. That way you can track and plan things moving forward with your blog.
A great free tool for monitoring statistics on your blog, is provided by Google. Yes, the giant provides plenty of good tools free - this one can be found at - adwords is the advertising engine for companies wanting to advertise via the adsense network. However, you can use the 'free analytics' portion of adwords just to track your site.
So pop over there, setup a free account then add the HTML code to your blog.
Now, to get listed on Google - you will need plenty of links or backlinks as they are called. Preferably by a website that is already being listed in Google and getting spidered / visited daily by the Google network.
If they list your site as a 'link' generally you will be picked up the next day or so by Google and their servers will monitor your progress. If you post frequently to your blog - it certainly helps. As the visits by the Google servers detect how often you post and as such visit accordingly.
For example:
I created a new Blog - NRL News
It's sport related, so I asked a friend at Sports Virtual Library to link to my site.
Within 2 days, Google had visited my site (I watched my stats and saw had visited) and I then searched for '' and I instantly saw my site listed.
Following this, my site was getting visited fortnightly initially I believe, and as I posted more - Google began to visit more frequently.
So essentially, it's not hard to get listed on Google. In summary:
- Get stats for your blog (Visit (Install Code)
- Get someone already listed in Google to link to you
- Post regularly to keep visits from google frequent
As the blogging phenomenon continues - many new bloggers are taking their little niche to the next level and trying to achieve some revenue from their Blogs through mediums such as Googles Adsense, Chitika and other marketing add-ons.
Once you've got your topic covered, obviously choose something you enjoy - it probably makes sense to get a fair bit of content into the Blog before adding too much revenue generating advertisements. If you 'over advertise' the Blog, it will probably scare off the visitors too much.
To get started with Google Adsense (a simple, trustworth and effective advertising medium) visit: for free signup and information.
The other main point, is to update the Blog regularly. Even with some of the major players, some of the Blog sites I visit - don't update often enough for my liking. I want latest information and happenings, and when the Blog is 3+ days old - I will generally look elsewhere that day. So keep this in mind!
With this site, I will endeavour to keep the posts fairly concise and try not to get too detailed! Coming up - reviewing some big end blogs and some more motivation and earnings techniques.
Sounds too simple right? You've heard this before? Yes, i'm sure you have.
Really think about that statement - so many people *want* to believe they can be successful; but deep down they still harbor negative thoughts.
Starting off with positive thinking in its most basic form is the powerful tool you must harness before setting off on your start-up business, journey or any task for that matter.
Once you have begun to to believe and 'think big' - spend some time analyzing the successful people in your area of expertise.
I've had plenty of enjoyment in establishing a single blog, then more recently multiple blogs or a blog roll as they are called. After moving from a single blog to multiple blog setups; I spent plenty of time visiting (and still do) some of the more successful blogs on the internet to see how they operate and how they have achieved their success.
Just ask! Sometimes just chatting with a successful person will yield a positive answer. Most are only too happy to help and give advice.
Ok, in summary:
- THINK BIG (Big Idea, No Matter How Unrealistic it May Seem) (Try and Write it Down Too)
- BELIEVE (Believe you can do it - you must really believe it and keep telling yourself that)
- OBSERVE SUCCESS (In your area of expertise, observe the successful people around you)
I'd love to hear you feedback, please feel free to comment on this or any post or email us.
It took me a long time to choose a new Blog topic; I finally decided to run with the theme of self-help, blogging and success.
I run several Blogs; covering several different topics. Sport, Cell Phones and even Gaming Blogs - but I wanted a new Blog that was a true reflection of my journey, covering self-help topics, blogging info and ideas - plus success in the end.
What type of success? traffic? recognition? or financial returns from the blog?
Well I suppose they all tie in together. You need traffic to make your Blog worthy, you need recognition of articles (PR / Marketing / SEO) to get traffic and eventually if everything is working you should see some financial returns from the Blog.
Blogging gets more popular, not just daily, but by the minute. So with this Blog I hope to bring ideas, information and inspiration to the 'interweb'