New Blogger Templates (Adsense Ready)

I know this post is a little off topic, but I must say thanks to Elque and the team over at dzelque for their blogger templates.

There are so many average websites around claiming to have decent Blogger 2.0 templates - however most only have the original Blogger Beta templates - in which you lose a lot of functionality as a Blogger user.

The Dzelque team have done a fantastic job to create a new batch of Blogger templates, that not only suit the 'new' blogger format - but the templates come in 3 column designs which are suited to Adsense.

I hope Google adapts some of these templates into their blogger bag of standard templates. It was painless to setup (probably 5 minutes max) and from there I was able to grab a new header for the blog and position the adsense columns to my liking and of course set my blog apart from the millions of standard 'blogger' looking ones.

Be sure and visit for great Blogger 2.0 templates that are free and support adsense within the template!