10 points of success to help self

Helping yourself can be honed into the following 10 main points. If you can use a snippet of each of these points you are well on the way to improving your life; both personally and in business.

Here goes:

* Believe in Yourself (Really! You must say this over to yourself constantly)
* Understand how decisions affect your life
* Self Esteem Determines Success
* Look to the Future, forget the past
* Let go of past failures
* Never settle for second best
* Always improve your health
* Use compliments to grow self esteem
* Setbacks are a part of life, get over them quickly
* Dont let risk hold you back from achieving!

These are some good start points - have a think about these and understand how they affect your life and well-being.

The final thought for today I want to mention is - "Don't a person your problem unless they are DIRECTLY related to the solution!"

For example if things are tough in your business life, apart from your immediate partner or a mentor - why tell others of your problems? (You might get lucky and chat with someone that can help) However, most people you discuss the problems with 'WON'T' be able to cheer you up - thus making you feel worse.