Once you've established your Blog, you will want the public to start visiting - otherwise all your articles and hardwork will have been for nothing.
Actually, step backwards for one minute. You actually should have statistics monitoring your hits before you chase the traffic. That way you can track and plan things moving forward with your blog.
A great free tool for monitoring statistics on your blog, is provided by Google. Yes, the giant provides plenty of good tools free - this one can be found at http://adwords.google.com - adwords is the advertising engine for companies wanting to advertise via the adsense network. However, you can use the 'free analytics' portion of adwords just to track your site.
So pop over there, setup a free account then add the HTML code to your blog.
Now, to get listed on Google - you will need plenty of links or backlinks as they are called. Preferably by a website that is already being listed in Google and getting spidered / visited daily by the Google network.
If they list your site as a 'link' generally you will be picked up the next day or so by Google and their servers will monitor your progress. If you post frequently to your blog - it certainly helps. As the visits by the Google servers detect how often you post and as such visit accordingly.
For example:
I created a new Blog - NRL News
It's sport related, so I asked a friend at Sports Virtual Library to link to my site.
Within 2 days, Google had visited my site (I watched my stats and saw google.com had visited) and I then searched google.com for 'nrlnews.com' and I instantly saw my site listed.
Following this, my site was getting visited fortnightly initially I believe, and as I posted more - Google began to visit more frequently.
So essentially, it's not hard to get listed on Google. In summary:
- Get stats for your blog (Visit adwords.google.com) (Install Code)
- Get someone already listed in Google to link to you
- Post regularly to keep visits from google frequent